I am excited to connect with you!

you may feel like contacting a counselor means you’ve failed in some way. You might be afraid to confide in someone who is initially a stranger. If you’re new to this or had a bad experience in the past, you don’t know the powerful relief when you are deeply heard, understood, and validated by someone whose only agenda is to support you.
Sara’s presence is like a warm hug, she was the stream of light when I was blinded by darkness. She guided me out of a very chaotic period of my life and helped me find myself and build my strength. To say that she changed my life is an understatement. Very grateful for having her in my life."
- Previous Client

Because people are diverse and life is complicated, I don't believe in quick fixes or formulas...
However, even amidst great difficulty and frustrating patterns, counseling can help you heal and grow.

I have been practicing as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor for 17 years.
In 2012, I earned my doctorate in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Florida’s Counselor Education Program.
For a decade before full-time private practice, I was on faculty at the University of Florida’s Counseling and Wellness Center, where I specialized in trauma recovery, crisis intervention, and suicide prevention.
I have trained in and taught a variety of therapies, including gestalt, existential, interpersonal, developmental, and solution-focused counseling.
My Backgroud...
Despite my formal credentials, I have found that ultimately the power of effective counseling lies in being able to gently and honestly approach your pain while nurturing what is intrinsically good, healthy, and whole in you.

More about me...
Most of us, no matter how successful, will at some point be completely overwhelmed by what life throws our way. At these times, we do whatever we can to survive, but sometimes also pick up habits and coping strategies that prove problematic down the road.
At times, I too have fallen into patterns of numbing, isolating, and avoiding in response to stress and pain. Thankfully, I’ve had excellent counselors who helped me develop self-compassion and find my way into a life that is, while not without challenges, more connected and creative than I ever thought was possible.
I also find a lot of healing in the arts, including dancing, painting, baking, and writing. Therapy is an art form too, albeit a collaborative one, and I love the ways all these threads weave together and inform each other.